A culmination of several years' worth of ideas and prototyping, the Temple Road is a high performance steel road bike, inspired by traditional club riding and a ‘just one bike’ mentality. Perfect for recreational rides, touring, and roadracing alike, the Temple Road places the emphasis on clocking up miles, no matter the weather.

Opting for a full Reynolds 853 steel frame and forks, the Road is a truly special bike that’s already been met with much online admiration since we first teased the launch late last summer. Now, with framesets and full build options available, we decided it was time to enjoy the fruits of our labour and get some shots of the bike in action.
Exmoor was the destination we had in mind, planning a scenic ride to the Valley of Rocks, making the most of the dramatic coastline and undulating roads. Armed with three Road bikes and a campervan, we set off from Bristol to the rental cottage that was to be our base. Oli, our friend and photographer, joined us for the trip and captured some fantastic images.
After a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs at the cottage, we braved the wind and rain to head to Dunster, dubbed Exmoor’s prettiest medieval village. There, we paused for a second breakfast of tea and scones, taking shelter under the Yarn Market, before heading to the coast to take in the famed Valley of Rocks.
The bikes were perfectly suited to the setting; the clean lines of the frames with their nature-inspired hues, against the rugged rock faces and gorse-flecked moors. The wild goats watched on as we whizzed along the quiet roads, not minding the drizzle. We continued to put the bikes through their paces, enjoying the climbs as much as the descents.

Of course, we’ve been riding these bikes for the best part of two years, but the Road still feels special. The all-steel frame offers a specific sensation of deceptive speed and startling comfort, with the steel soaking up much of the road buzz. Extremely lightweight yet reliable, it encourages you to push yourself and the bike in turn. The frame flexes with each pedal stroke, and proves almost terrifyingly fast on the descents, our hands poised on the brakes
The Temple Road is available now. Click here to discover.
Fancy riding the same Exmoor route as the Temple team? Download it here and let us know how you get on.
With thanks to Oliver Hooson, Classic Cottages, Pas Normal Studios, Quoc & Brooks England

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Road Frameset
Road Frameset
3 colours available
Road 2
Road 2
2 colours available